Thursday, 13 September 2012

8 Sept

Slept in!  Jet Lag !  Stayig at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel tonight very nice!
Wandered up to Robson Street for a bt of retail therapy and had lunch at "Milestone"
calamari and taro frites (sweet potato chips).  Met the group for drinkies , lot of nice people, mostly Aussies, a few americans and one Canadian couple (Ottowa).
Wandered up to Gastown lots of lovely shopping there and very pretty place.
Then dinner at a lovely restuarant called "Borbo Antico".

9 Sept

bus tour around the city today, Stanely Park, China Town (not to go there at night, big druggie area!)
Granville markets (amazing, going back there!) and Gastown.
When the bus dropped us back di and I headed to the museum for a bit of culture! They had a Matisse display,

sorry the pictures are sideways, program won't let me rotate them!

My own shop!
 Lights at Gastown

totem poles Stanley Park (couldn't get dam picture to rotate!)


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